We harness innovative technologies to create genetically superior animals for progressive farmers, and link our pricing to the performance of our products on-farm.


Strategic Priorities

We harness the latest technologies and talent to continuously improve the genetics of our own herds and resulting product offering. We protect our unique position by carefully selecting who we sell our genetics and technology to, and on what terms.

What does success look like?

Genetic Gain

Creating superior breeding animals for farmers, measured against indices comprising traits that help to drive farmers’ productivity and sustainability.

Net Merit Rankings

Measures the genetic quality of our bulls released to market, based on economically relevant traits for farmers.

DEFINITION: The average NM$ index score of generally available Holstein commercial bulls launched in the year for genomically tested sires. This definition has been revised this year to better reflect the breadth of high quality bulls released to market each year.

PERFORMANCE: Genus continues to improve the quality of its commercially available bulls to maintain a leading genetic position in the dairy industry. Genus also has maintained a strong pipeline of young bulls tested but not yet in production. This is mainly driven by the large proportion of high-quality bulls sourced from our proprietary breeding programme, De Novo.

Porcine Genetic Improvement Index

Measures the genetic improvement we achieve in our porcine nucleus herds, which ultimately filters down to our customers’ farms.

DEFINITION: The index measures the marginal improvement in customers’ US$ profitability, per commercial pig per year, on a rolling three-year average.

PERFORMANCE: Genus continues to deliver increasing rates of genetic improvement through expanding and maintaining a large nucleus population for high selection intensity, improving technical processes for genomic evaluation, implementing precision data collection from birth to consumer and continuing to add new traits and data streams.


Strategic priorities

We focus our offering on progressive livestock farmers, who are data driven and results focused. We tailor our products and services to  maximise their performance on their farms. We serve different markets in different ways to manage cost and risk effectively.

What does success look like?

Volume Growth

Growing volumes, particularly with progressive livestock farmers.


Porcine Volume Growth

Tracks the growth in the number of commercial pigs with PIC genetics globally.

DEFINITION: The change in volume of both direct and royalty animal sales, using a standardised MPEs measure of commercial slaughter animals that contain our genetics.

PERFORMANCE: In many parts of the world, pork producers made losses for large parts of the year. Against this backdrop, porcine volumes grew by 3% to 202.2 million MPEs. Strategically important royalty volumes grew by 1%. 

Dairy and Beef Volume Growth

Tracks our global unit sales growth in dairy and beef.

DEFINITION: The change in dairy, beef and sorted units of semen and embryos delivered or produced for customers in the year.

PERFORMANCE: Amidst tough markets, bovine volumes were 6% lower at 24.8 million units. However, strategically important Sexed volumes were up 3%, reflecting good growth in Sexcel and third-party IntelliGen production.


strategic priorities

We aim to capture an appropriate share of the value we deliver to customers, aligning our interests with theirs. We demonstrate the value of our genetics on farm through validation trials and data, and link our pricing to genetic indices and our customers’ productivity.

What does success look like?


Generating profit resulting from the performance of our products in customers’ systems, and growing margin as we leverage scale and R&D investment across species.


Adjusted Operating Profit Per Market Pig Equivalent

Monitors porcine profitability by unit.

DEFINITION: Net porcine adjusted operating profit globally, expressed per MPE. Results include our share of Agroceres PIC, our Brazilian joint venture and also include PRP commercialisation costs that ramped from FY23. FY23 has been restated for these PRP costs that had previously been reported in R&D.

PERFORMANCE: Operating profit per MPE was £0.56, £0.04 lower (£0.03 in constant currency), impacted by growth in PRP commercialisation costs as the business progresses this key strategic programme.

Bovine adjusted operating profit per dose

Monitors bovine profitability per unit.

DEFINITION: Bovine adjusted operating profit globally, expressed per dose of semen or embryo delivered or produced for customers.

PERFORMANCE: Operating profit per dose was £0.56, £0.16 lower (up £0.01 in constant currency). Foreign exchange currency headwinds significantly impacted profit per unit in actual currency, particularly from translation of Argentinian and Russian results. 
